Yarnalong: Nut Hap and Los Angeles: Best of LA


2016-08-03 08.37.37.jpgKnitting: Nut Hap by Jen Arnall-Culliford in Ashford Tekapo 8-ply.  My Kingfisher Hap has been seriously neglected since we left New Zealand.  Right before we came back, I was ready to start a second tuck, and the somewhat fiddly stitch separating that that entails was not an appealing travel project!  And it was sooo hot in Baltimore last week, that I just couldn’t sit down with it.  Now that we’re getting settled in LA, with the joys of central AC, I’m trying to regain some momentum on this.  The Haps Are Happening KAL over in the Arnall-Culliford Knitwear Ravelry group ends next Monday.  I still have the increasingly unreasonable hope that I might finish in time!

Reading: Los Angeles: Best of LA. It’s been too long since I’ve picked up a proper book – shame on me!  But we’re in LA now, and I saw this on the magazine rack at our new local grocery store, and thought perfect!  From the looks of it, there are lots of really awesome places to eat and things to do (and places to eat, did I mention that?) here!  Now we just need to get a car so we can start exploring! I’ve also, ahem, done a bit of research on yarn shops in LA, and wow, there seem to be a lot of really great ones.  Expect reports in the future!

What are you knitting/reading at mid-week?  To see what others are up to, head over to the original Yarnalong post.


9 thoughts on “Yarnalong: Nut Hap and Los Angeles: Best of LA”

  1. I received the new Harry Potter book and have been reading in the evenings before I go to sleep 🙂 Still working on my Smooth Operators! Do you also use Yelp? I found it invaluable when we first moved to San Jose from Ft Lauderdale for finding real reviews on everything from restaurants to doctors/dentists, nail salons, etc.

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    1. Ohh, is the Harry Potter book good? I still need to get my copy! And yes, Yelp is fantastic! We’re basically never without our phones at the moment, just so we can look up places and see reviews til we find our regular spots! Looking forward to seeing your Smooth Operator progress tomorrow!!

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      1. Yes, it is! Although, I do have to warn you…if you don’t already know…it is a script. Apparently it’s going to be a play, so it isn’t like her normal books. I’m currently about half way through. I’ve heard a few of my british podcasters/bloggers talking about going later this year and I would love to see it in person.

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  2. Fellow Los Angeles knitter checking in here 🙂 Welcome to LA! If you want to explore before you have a car the Metro is surprisingly usable, I take it to work every day. Also be sure to check out Togather DTLA, the yarn shop tucked up above The Last Bookstore downtown. I’m sure you’ve already found out about it through your research! Hope you enjoy LA!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Florence! It’s great to know the Metro is a doable option … we just arrived Sunday, so still trying to figure everything out! And Gather is on my list, but glad to hear a recommendation from someone in the know. I’m so excited about the number of knitting shops in LA 🙂 Thanks very much for the welcome!


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