Yarnalong: Nut Hap and Eligible


Knitting: Nut Hap, by Jen Arnall-Culliford, from the brand new Book of Haps.  Despite the 679-stitch rows of 1×1 rib, I’m still really enjoying this project.  In fact, I’ve been knitting on it pretty constantly.  The Tekapo 8-ply is surprisingly and wonderfully sheepy!  It’s been especially fun since I’ve been knitting along with my lovely friend Kate (check out her hap over here!) and a fun group of fellow happers over in the AC Knitwear Rav group.

Reading: I’m between books at the moment (and, er, copy-editing all of Mr. N’s soon-to-be-handed-in dissertation, which, while interesting, doesn’t make for a great photograph!), so I’m cheating a bit and sharing my thoughts on Eligible, which I recently finished.  It’s Curtis Sittenfeld’s reinterpretation of Pride and Prejudice.  I usually have strong feelings, of the hostile variety, to Jane Austen adaptations.  Why fix what isn’t broken?  But I enjoyed Sittenfled’s American Wife and read several positive reviews of the book, so I gave it a shot.  While there were a few silly moments, on the whole, I found it a very quick and enjoyable light read — perfect for sitting on the beach, etc.

See what other Yarnalong-ers are reading and knitting over at the original Yarnalong post!

8 thoughts on “Yarnalong: Nut Hap and Eligible”

  1. I also feel the same way about Jane Austen adaptations! Especially ones that make it so that Elizabeth and Darcy end up hating each other…blasphemers! I’ll have to check Eligible out though! Another good adaptation/sequel is the tv mini-series Death Comes to Pemberley


    1. Ohhh, I’m glad to hear Death Comes to Pemberley is good. I’ve had the book for ages, but still haven’t read it. Once I get my books out of storage, I’ll check it out — and the mini-series! You’ll have to let me know if you read Eligible and like it 🙂


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